
Uploading Contacts

No more long winded process of uploading multiple contacts 1 by 1, with Unaro SMS you can bulk import your contacts from a CSV, XLS, XLSX or .TXT file!

STEP 1 : Navigate to and select contacts in the left hand side menu on your Unaro Dashboard, located underneath SMS.

STEP 2 : In the top left hand side of the dashboard, you will now see a button with ADD CONTACT. Once selected a popup box should appear.

STEP 3 : You can either import a whole list of contacts if you have pre-existing data, or input one contact at a time. This is shown by the tabs shown at the top of the Popup (Import List & Single Contact).

STEP 4 : Fill out all the fields shown on the popup for a single contact, or upload a list within the designated drag and drop area.

STEP 5 : Press Save! You’re ready to start sending out your SMS campaigns

Helpful Insights!
Custom is custom fields you can create for your SMS contacts to hold custom data about each client to help generate mass emails with a personal touch!

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