
Send a Message

Sending a message is super-easy with UnaroSMS, we’ll take you through step by step here.

STEP 1: Go to the SMS tab

STEP 2: Select Create New Campaign in the top right of the SMS Dashboard

STEP 3: Select one of our many useful Starter Templates or one of your custom templates. This is an optional selection.

STEP 4: Then create a name for the new SMS campaign and the sender ID you wish for clients to see.

STEP 5: You can now select the tags or all the contacts you wish to compose this message for!

Press next and now it’s time to compose your message, there’s a handy character count underneath the message box which helps you keep an eye on on how long your message is

1 credit is up to 160 characters, you can have a maximum of 612 characters in one message

STEP 4: When you’re finished drafting the message, you can review it on the compose dashboard by sending a test text to your own number and even schedule the message ahead of time or to repeat. A fully autonomous marketing tool!

STEP 4: When you’re happy hit SEND

STEP 5: Your Campaign is Live and you can now Track the responses!

Good work you’ve just sent your first message!

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